House of Windows

House of Windows

A warm and cozy home





Area:980 sq. ft.

" I got a dummy for Christmas and started teaching myself. I got books and records and sat in front of the practising. I did my first show in the third grade and just kept going. "

Jeff Dunham ( Appel Studio )

“No longer a caterpillar strolling the streets,
but still a butterfly has not spread it’s wings,
and here I lie, suffocating in this cocoon
When I should fly off and away to fantastical things.”
- Jessica D. Hernandez

As time passes, families grow, and requirements change. This home is completely renovated to accommodate evolved needs of a family of four. The spaces have undergone complete transformation with new and improved spatial connectivity, material palette and functionality. Volumes are pieced together to make spaces larger and walls are broken down to improve interaction and visibility. Windows and other openings are specially treated to create cozy nooks to chat, read or even to just enjoy scenery along with a hot cup of tea. Light from these windows bath spaces in a warm and comforting glow. Ample storage and organization help in maintaining clutter free surfaces to appreciate subtle patterns in walls and floor surfaces.

We offer stunning solutions for all spatial needs

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